Genealogische Datenbank
St.Pauls Chapel Cem- 209 Broadway, NY 10007
Vorschaubild | Beschreibung | Status | Ort | Name (Verstorben/begraben) |
Allen In memory of RIZPAH ALLEN, the wife of Jonathan Allen, who departed this life the 15th of March 1809 aged 102 years, 1 month and 1 day. Prefs'd with the hand of fore diftrefs, In pain the wander'd on (lov W[?]ill God, our Saviour, arm'd with In merey called her home. |
Auchmuty In Memory of Rev. Samuel Auchmuty D. D. Rector of Trinity Church. Born in Boston 1725, died in New York 1777. Buried beneath this chancel. |
Barclay In memory of Colonel Thomas Barclay, son of the Rev. Henry Barclay D. D. Rector of Trinity Church New York. He was born in this City on the 12th October 1735. He entered the British Army early in life and in 1799 was appointed Consul General in the United States, from His Britannic Majesty, whom he served in various Offices Military and Civil with distinguished loyalty for 54 years. Faithful in the discharge of all his duties, both public and private, he closed a Christian life, by a holy and happy death in the firm assurance of faith, and with a hope full of immartality, on the 21st. April 1830. |
Barrow This Tablet recalls to the recollection of their Family an Friends Thomas Barrow, who died 15th. Sept. 1825, Aged 89 Qears and 11 Month. And his Wife Sarah Barrow, who died 22nd. Jan 1786, Aged 40 Qears and 7 Months, Piety Justice and Renevolence Abornd their Lives. Their survibing Son, with Filial Piety and Veneration erected this little Monument to their Memory. |
Bechet de Rochefontaine Ci Git Etienne Marie Bechet Sieur De Rochefontaine Ne L'an 1755 Dans le Canton d'Ay en Champagne Departement de la Marne Et Decede Le 30 Janvier 1814 A New York Que son ame repose dans l'inalterable paix du sejour eternel |
Bechet de Rochefontaine E. M. Bechet Sieur de Rochefontaine Se voua a la carrieere des armes et sy distingua long temps Il fit sous le Comte de Rochambeau la campagne d' Amerique glorieusement terminee en 1782 par la prise du Lord Cornwallis qui mit fin a cette guerre Louis XVI le nomma en 1792 Adjudant General De Larmee De Saint Domingue Et apres la mort du Roi Il entra Col. au service des E. Unis Enfin il se retira en 1798 Pour jouir au sein de l'amitie d'une consideration justement acquise et d'un repos dignement merite. Ci Git Etienne Marie Bechet Sieur De Rochefontaine Ne L'an 1755 Dans le Canton d'Ay en Champagne Departement de la Marne Et Decede Le 30 Janvier 1814 A New York Que son ame repose dans l'inalterable paix du sejour eternel |
Bechet de Rochefontaine E. M. Bechet Sieur de Rochefontaine Se voua a la carrieere des armes et sy distingua long temps Il fit sous le Comte de Rochambeau la campagne d' Amerique glorieusement terminee en 1782 par la prise du Lord Cornwallis qui mit fin a cette guerre Louis XVI le nomma en 1792 Adjudant General De Larmee De Saint Domingue Et apres la mort du Roi Il entra Col. au service des E. Unis Enfin il se retira en 1798 Pour jouir au sein de l'amitie d'une consideration justement acquise et d'un repos dignement merite. |
Bergh |
Betts; Gassner |
Bock unleserlich |